Knowledge and Rehabilitation Centre for children and adults with multiple limb deficiencies

Search result: sit

At home

In the kitchen (1 helping aids)

Positioning of a dishwasher.

A tip for the positioning of a dishwasher for people with very short arms or no arms at all. Put either the standing dishwasher or the worktop dishwasher under the kitchen worktop to make access easier.

Home modifications (1 helping aids)

Positioning of a washing-machine and tumble-drier in the bathroo

By placing the washing-machine and tumble-drier next to each other, you make a bench for yourself to sit on at the sink making it easier for you to reach your toiletries. At the same time you can look in the mirror if the bathroom mirror is adjustable.

Taking care of children

Lifting and transporting children (2 helping aids)


This Ciecco Babysitter is a practical chair which makes it easier for a parent with carrying difficulties to move their child. The design of the frame makes it easy to pull across the floor even when the child is sitting in it. If required the child can b

Knee cradle

From the very first moment ..... It is very important to create closeness, make eye contact and touch their child. If you sit in a wheelchair can you use knee cradle, "BABY CONTACT" to have your baby easily with you and still have your hands free, for exa

Taking care of children (2 helping aids)

A baby's changing table

"Up and down" is our new baby changing table that is height-adjustable. The changing table provides you with the correct working height whether you sit in a wheelchair or if you have problems with back and neck.

“SESAM” height adjustable crib

Crib "SESAM", are electrically height adjustable. Give you the correct working height whether you sit in a wheelchair or goes. The gates that open outwards, makes it easier to lift in and out the child. The gate lock is specially designed and makes it po


Sport and leisure time (1 helping aids)

Adjustable saddle

A saddle that can be altered according to the shape of the riders body. The saddle is made of a hollow gel filled with small spheres. Once the saddle has been adjusted to shape of the rider, a vacuum is created by sucking out the air using a manual pump.

Work and education

Chairs, tables and equipment (1 helping aids)

Saddle chair

Salli’s Saddle chair / combo tables, is ideal for the people who have short arms and working on their tablets devices and laptops. It is also easy to move the workstation from room to room.

Healthy lifestyle

Fitness and physical activity (2 helping aids)

Sitting Qi gong

Sitting workout

Seated Workout for Disabled, Injured, or half-lazy people

Stop training if you experience pain. Consult your doctor or physio therapist at any uncertainty